It’s that time of year where you might have found yourself with some unexpected or additional income. While you may receive a bonus at any time throughout the year, now is the most common time when questions roll in about what to do with that money. Questions like: Do I pay down debt first? Do I save it for a family vacation? Do I spend it? Do I put it into my retirement savings?
5 Things Every Doctor Should Consider Before Retiring
The last few years before you hang up your stethoscope can be critical to a doctor's successful retirement. In this episode of More Money Minutes for Doctors, Katherine Vessenes, CEO and founder of MD Financial Advisors, covers the five things every doctor should do before handing in their resignation.
Doctors and Financial Planning FOMO
Have you ever thought about FOMO, that fear of missing out? There is both good FOMO and bad FOMO. Today, Katherine sat down with Ben Kirchner, one of our Financial Advisors, for a Q and A about how to ignore the bad FOMO (like wishing you had invested in Apple 20 years ago) and embrace the good FOMO that can help build an incredibly solid foundation for the future.
A Doctor's Guide to Avoiding Four Crucial Financial Pitfalls
Managing personal finances can often take a back seat to a doctor’s demanding schedules. However, overlooking key financial decisions in the early stages of a medical career can lead to long-term setbacks. Today we’re discussing common financial mistakes made by young doctors and offer strategies to avoid them.