MGMA Data for Our Doctors

We have some exciting news! Recently we purchased Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) compensation benchmark data for our clients. MGMA is considered the gold standard for compensation data. They mostly put out information for physicians, but there is some data for dentists as well.

For your upcoming meetings, we will prepare this information to compare your compensation to the benchmark. This is a great way to evaluate if you are getting paid fairly and receiving a market rate. MGMA’s data will also be helpful if you are considering a job change or are maybe just going into practice and need to compare employment contracts. The benchmark data will be a great aid in negotiations with your employer. Please feel free to reach out if you or someone you know is in this category.

If you can increase your income, it can have a significant impact on your financial plan over time. Either that's more money for saving or it's more money for spending towards your goals. We feel like this can help you be in a better position to do so.

Do reach out if you have any questions about this. We are going to be preparing this for upcoming meetings. We are trialing this for the year, so we want to hear your feedback. Let us know how it goes. Feel free to email us at to give us some feedback on whether this is something you're excited about and we should continue to do, or, if it's not something important to you, let us know that too.



Remember that you can send us any questions or potential topics at:

Josh Lantz, CRPC®, Chief Investment Officer, Financial Advisor With over a decade of financial planning experience, Josh has worked on more than 500 doctors’ financial plans. “It’s very hard to find a doctor’s situation I haven’t seen before,” says Josh. This is only a snapshot of the expertise Josh brings to MD Financial. He can be reached at