Tax-Efficient Investing for Doctors [Podcast]

Tax-Efficient Investing for Doctors [Podcast]

Special guest Josh Lantz, CRPC®, Chief Investment Officer and Financial Advisor, joins Katherine Vessenes, JD, CFP® in today’s podcast about tax-efficient investing. We call Josh “our investment guru” around the office which is why we are excited to have him here today! With tax season upon us, you may be wondering what you could do differently to minimize taxes in retirement. Today’s episode is all about how we do this for our clients using 3 tax-efficient strategies. When it comes to investing, it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep. We want to help you plan, protect and prosper.

Why We Love Working with Doctors [Podcast]

Why We Love Working with Doctors [Podcast]

We love to celebrate our doctors every day. Throughout this last year, we have celebrated some awesome highs and seen some unimaginable lows alongside our clients and their families. We’ve come to think of many of our clients as family and find ourselves so privileged to work with them every day. For that reason, we wanted to take some time today to share why we started working with doctors and why we continue to assist them with achieving their financial goals.

4 Steps to Home Buying for Doctors [Podcast]

4 Steps to Home Buying for Doctors [Podcast]

Is buying a new home on your to-do list for this year? It can be an exciting and monumental task. So where do you begin? Today’s episode of “More Money Minutes for Doctors” will cover everything you need to know to get started, including: creating a budget, finding the right loan, and what actually adds value to a home.

Renting vs. Buying a Home for Doctors [Podcast]

Renting vs. Buying a Home for Doctors [Podcast]

Next to funding your retirement, a home is most likely the biggest purchase a person or family will ever make. How do you know if it’s a good decision to purchase a home? In today’s podcast, we are covering 5 things to take into consideration when making this decision.

Doctor's Penny Pinching Tips [Podcast]

Doctor's Penny Pinching Tips [Podcast]

At the end of each year, we take time to reflect on what we’ve done over the past twelve months and what we want to do better next year. One of the most common New Year’s Resolutions we see doctors make: Save more money. Whether the funds are for a big trip, education, paying off debt, retirement or just in general, we’ll cover some of the best ways to save a little extra this upcoming year.