Doctors and Burnout [Podcast with Dr. Kristy McAteer]

In the landscape of modern medicine, the alarming rise of burnout among doctors has prompted critical discussions about how to sustain your careers and well-being. With the ever-increasing demands of medical practice, doctors find themselves facing unique financial challenges. In this episode, we delve into the insights shared by Katherine and Kristy who shed light on the financial implications of burnout and offer practical strategies for doctors to embrace a life of abundance and create sustainable financial plans.

We’ll begin by highlighting the reality that burnout is a pressing issue in the medical field, leading to doctors considering early retirement and necessitating a re-evaluation of financial plans. This resonates especially with doctors who have invested years into their education and training, often accompanied by significant student loan debt. The strain of mounting debt, coupled with missed opportunities to save during training, creates a complex financial landscape.

The Impact of Burnout

As the average doctor works long hours, often more than 51 per week, stress levels are high. Many are no longer motivated by their work, and as a result, they face challenges in staying motivated to continue practicing well into their senior years. This paradigm shift necessitates strategies for creating financial margins or reserves that can provide a buffer against burnout and allow for a life of abundance.

We suggest two key approaches to building these financial margins: increasing long-term savings and practicing mindful spending.

Preventing Financial Stress

The commitment to saving consistently and effectively can alleviate financial stress over time. We also want to encourage you to begin tracking your spending. Studies find that individuals who tracked their spending spent 17% less on average! This simple yet powerful habit can be a game-changer in creating financial margins. If you want to take a deeper dive into financial margins, we did a podcast on that: here!

One of the essential takeaways from our conversation today is the idea of aligning financial decisions with your core life goals. We encourage you to regularly assess your spending choices and ask if these choices move you closer to or farther away from your desired life of abundance. This reflection can be instrumental in prioritizing meaningful goals while being mindful of impulse purchases that can derail financial plans.

Preventing Burnout

Some doctors choose to shift their practice model, opting for less insurance-driven setups, such as cash-based practices, which not only reduce administrative burdens but also enhance job satisfaction. Also, finding the right employer or adjusting one's work environment can significantly alleviate burnout.

We just want to remind you that change is possible! Burnout does not have to be a permanent state, and you can take proactive steps to transform your financial situation and overall well-being. Financial strategies can help you take back control over your lives and create fulfilling, abundant, and balanced careers.

In a world where the pressures of medicine can often overshadow personal well-being, take time to focus on your goals and happiness.


Listen on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Amazon Music, or Spotify.

To hear the original podcast, check out the Brown University page here.



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Katherine Vessenes, JD, CFP®, is the founder and CEO of MD Financial Advisors who serve 500 doctors from Hawaii to Cape Cod. An award-winning Financial Advisor, Attorney, Certified Financial Planner®, author and speaker, she is devoted to bringing ethical advice to physicians and dentists. She can be reached at