Money Mistakes Woman Doctors Make [Podcast]

Through the years, Katherine has seen certain fears flare up when working with female physicians and dentists. To better understand their thought process and to help her clients, Katherine did some research. She discovered the top fears that all women have about money.[1]

When fear is driving the decisions that female doctors are making about money, there are 5 common problems that may arise:

1.    Female doctors making less than male doctors, even when accounting for the same specialties and time out for children.

2.    Women are less likely to have us review their contracts in advance.

3.    Many woman doctors either remain single or marry a person who isn’t making as much money—the female then becomes the chief family breadwinner, yet doesn’t get involved in the family finances.

4.    Women doctors have not caught up to the new financial normal: doctors in general will be working harder, making less money and paying more in taxes than they used to. There is no margin for error for today’s women doctors. If you make a financial mistake, it can take you years to recover.

5.    Some women doctors tend to trust their colleagues, or online pundits more than a qualified professional.  

Summary: This is your money, you worked hard for it so make sure you protect it and keep as much of it as you can!

You can also check out the posting here, featured on Brown Emergency Medicine, or on iTunes.

[1] source: Emma Johnson. "Top 10 Money Fears and What to Do About Them." Forbes Woman. 23 Sep 2010: n. page. Web. 16 Jul. 2012. <>