Investing 101 for Doctors

Our investment philosophy’s goal is to make you feel comfortable pursuing the best investment strategies possible. There are a few key principles we make sure every client of ours understands when it comes to investing. Our Chief Investment Officer and Senior Advisor, Josh Lantz, lays out 10 key concepts every doctor should adopt in today’s video, “Investing 101.”

Feel free to watch the video above or follow the slideshow below for a more in-depth look at the examples discussed.

1. Embrace Market Pricing

  • Millions of investors are exchanging prices every day, so the information available is always altering the market price.

2. Don’t Try to Outguess the Market

  • There have been many studies proving that trying to outguess the market usually falls short.

  • We recommend longevity when it comes to investing.

3. Resist Chasing Past Performance

  • Those advisors that have been successful in the last five years will not necessarily do well the next five.

  • The lesson here: Don’t chase shiny objects!

4. Let Markets Work for You

  • Through looking at the past performances of stocks and bonds from 1926 to 2019, we can see that more risk taken over a longer period of time increases the reward at the end of investments.

5. Consider the Drivers of Returns

  • There are certain areas that outperform others, and over time you can see these drivers will actually affect the return that you get. They are:

    • Company size

    • Value Companies/Relative Price

    • Highly Profitable Companies

  • We recommend considering these drivers as you choose your portfolio risk tolerance.

6. Practice Smart Diversification

  • Diversification smooths out bumps along the way, reduces risk, and provides more consistent results.

7. Avoid Timing the Market

  • We believe it’s better to be broadly diversified and let markets reward you over a longer period.

8. Manage Your Emotions

  • Fight off the fear of investing — just know that markets will fall and grow between now and retirement.

  • The worst time to make modifications to investments are when stock prices are down.

9. Look Beyond the Headlines

  • There’s no “Get Rich Quick” scheme — don’t be fooled by headlines trying to grab your attention

10. Focus on What You Can Control

  • Pick a risk portfolio that you can ride out on good and bad days.

  • Weight your investments toward areas that improve your performance over time.

  • Diversify around the globe.

  • Keep expenses low.

  • When things get rough, stay disciplined.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at



Josh Lantz, CRPC®, CIO and Financial Advisor at MD Financial works diligently with all our teams to coordinate the services we provide for our clients. He wants to make sure all our clients have sound, fiscally responsible, financial plans and feel more comfortable about their future. He can be reached at