Included is the quarterly benchmark performance report. This represents general benchmarks from the beginning of April, through the 2nd quarter, June 30th.
The Randomness of Global Equity Returns
Daunted by the prospects of sorting it out, some investors look to the place they know best—their home market. There can be good reasons, such as tax benefits, for prioritizing an investment close to home, but too much home bias could mean underweighting or missing out on part of the investment universe.
Rebuilding Your Credit Score
Credit Scores are deceivingly important. Here’s why: Let’s say you go out to buy your dream home and get a $500,000 mortgage only to find out the late payments you had in training made your credit score fall to below 700 points. The difference between the best rate and the rate the banks will now offer you might be 0.50%. For most mortgages that’s a difference of around $150 per month or $54,000 over a 30-year period of time. Ouch!