9 Landmines Retiring Doctors Need to be Aware of

No doctor wants to retire now and find out they are running out of money in a few years. Nor do all soon-to-be retirees know all of the landmines to watch out for! Today, we are going to cover 9 potential landmines that retiring doctors can be aware of, and how to plan accordingly. Landmines are problems that may occur and disrupt your financial goals. As we go through each landmine in more detail, keep in mind that these are all topics that we are able to plan for in MD Financial’s full financial plans.

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Josh Lantz, CRPC®, CFO and Financial Advisor at MD Financial works diligently with all our teams to coordinate the services we provide for our clients. He wants to make sure all our clients have sound, fiscally responsible, financial plans and feel more comfortable about their future. He can be reached at Josh@mdfinancialadvisors.com.